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10 Things You Can Do While Actively Monitoring The Leap Test!

April 10, 2024

10 things you can do to pass the time while monitoring the LEAP test.

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Monitoring the LEAP test can get monotonous. Here are 10 things you can do to pass the time!

1. Memorize your students’ first, middle, and last names.

Then totally freak them out by addressing them by their full names after testing, preferably in some kind of creepy whisper. “Thank you for your Scantron, Caitlin Elizabeth Haverford.”

2. Keep a small amount of Silly Putty or Play-Doh in your hand and challenge yourself to make various shapes without looking.

Snake. Prism. Stack of pancakes.

3. Think about how you would describe color (red, blue, or yellow) to a person who cannot see.

One of my colleagues asked me this question once, and I thought about it for weeks.

4. Think about your responses to these “Would you rather ... ?” questions or create some of your own.

- Would you rather have pogo sticks for legs or fully retractable arms?

- Would you rather live in the worst place you can think of but have a travel budget to go anywhere you want in the world for three months out of the year, or be able to live anywhere in the world but never be able to leave it?

- Would you rather own a dragon or be a dragon?

- Would you rather have to shout “BLESS ME!” after every time you sneezed, or not be able to tell the difference between a muffin and a baby?

- Would you rather have to smell a fart all the time or have super bad breath?

5. Pretend to be a car.

I like to make the “scrrrrr!” noise in my head as I round the corner of a row.

6. Pretend to be a spider making a web.

Think about what pattern you would make if you were leaving a web behind as you weave around the room. Then think about how weird it would be if you were a human leaving a web behind. Then try not to laugh.

7. Pretend to be a ninja.

Do a lap around the room as silently as possible.

8. Put ice cream in a nondescript cup or mug in the back corner of the room just before testing.

An hour or so in, treat yourself to a milkshake!

9. Find things in the room that rhyme or almost rhyme.

You can also use students’ names and/or emotions you are feeling as a proctor, for example, bored and Lourdes, table and miser-able. Haha.

10. Send each child positive vibes, one at a time.

I imagine positive vibes being these yellow spaghetti-like wobbly tubes that connect between our brains, but you can imagine them however you like.

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